Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And, I spoke too soon.

This girl rocks it as well. :)

ps: here is an extra because i love this song, and she just kills it.

One of my favorite things to do,

is scour youtube for seriously hours and hours trying to find un-discovered people with really good voices. Dont ask me why I do this, I just do. haha Today I found this girl. She is damn good. The first video is her. The second is Demi Lovato singing it at one of her concerts. I love, love, love this song. Enjoy & compare for yourself. <3


And by this I dont mean Zack frilly boy Effron.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I found this on my old blog.

have you ever loved something so
much that words just cant describe it.
like just the thought or the sight of this
object makes you lose your breath.

ya, i thought maybe you did.

were lucky to be created with
the compacity to experience the
extensive intensity of an emotion such as this..

im just glad my little heart doesnt burst,
every time his name is on my lips <3

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Shannon Leith.

photographer/pen pal/all things lovely extraordinaire.
I admit I check her blog every day for something new and exciting.
yesterday the most new & exciting thing happened - she launched
her new website/blog! It's a must see, if I do say so myself.
Plus I am featured in her most recent post.
It was a "what did you have for breakfast" contest. I did not win,
but honorable mention is always fun too.
Enjoy <3

from Kristen Lim: I had a clump of cat hair when Butters rubbed on my face while I was reading, a diet coke from del taco which I have every morning, and a melted honey peanut balance bar which i tried to save by placing it in front of the a/c vent in my car while I was driving to school, but failed. it is no peet's coffee, or delicious carrot juice, but i guess that's just how i roll

This is from a recent wedding she shot. Love it.

And here she is, the beautiful & talented Miss Leith.

ps: Both being lovers of mail, and haters of bills
we have decided to become pen pals.
My first letter I recieved came in a hot pink envelope.
I'm pretty sure we are soul-mates.

since it's stuck in my head.

you make it real for me.

Everybody’s talking in words
I don’t understand
You got to be the only one
Who knows just who I am
And you shine in the distance
I hope I can make it through
Cause the only place
That I want to be
Is right back home with you

I guess there’s so much more
I have to learn
But if you’re here with me
I know which way to turn
You always give me somewhere,
Somewhere I can run

You make it real for me

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Yesterday Corinne and I had a hypothetical conversation about what I would want her to wear for my wedding (also, hypothetical haha) and this is what I have decided is the most bad ass bridesmaid's dress ever created. Thank you anthro for once again making all of my dreams come true.

oh and, ps: the kelly green version rocks my world.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This would be me if I met him...

No, this is not a joke. I would probably do the same thing. and then pee my pants. hahaha

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey, you know who you look like?

So, a few months ago Zak's cousin told me at his graduation party that her 6 year old daughter thought I was Demi Lovato. I thought it was the cutest thing ever because I love Demi Lovato and her music. (I know, embarrassing right? haha) But, none the less, it got me thinking about the fact that no one had ever told me before that I looked like someone famous. Perhaps this is because no one famous is french/english/mexican/korean. I know Demi is probably not this combination either, but its fun to think that I look like someone since i tend to think that i am quite odd/different looking. And even better to be told that I look like a sixteen year old! ok, enough talking. I leave you with a picture comparison. You can look for yourself. I think I look more like her older sister with matching bangs, but hey thats better than nothing...

Friday, July 10, 2009


First 5k: check.

So, results are in and my time was 31:58 for my first 5k. Nothing to be ashamed of, but definitly will be improved by my next one!

(Iphoto decided this should be backwards)

I am also the new, pround owner of these:

They are the same shoes I was wearing before, but those were like three years over due to be thrown away. So now my ankles and knees will thank me while I'm running.

I am also now wearing one of these:

If all goes well, my new training plan says I should be down to my goal weight by Aug 30th! Fingers crossed - If i hit my weight I'm going to throw a huge party and probably eat a hamburger but it will feel damn good to be 45 lbs lighter!!

Ok, thats all for now. I will leave you with this sweet ticker I found. Have a good weekend!

<3 K

Friday, July 3, 2009

My running adventure.

This is me, last summer with two herniated discs in my lower back. Three months of physical therapy and several thousand dollars later I was feeling pretty darn close back to my old self. About a month ago I decided to start training for a half marathon in October. My biggest concern is my stinkin back and its frail, old person issues. Tomorrow I am running my first 5k! yay! I am so excited! keep your fingers crossed for my crazy body. it needs as much tlc & love as it can get. hahaha I just hope it's still my friend after I put it through 13.1 miles a couple months from now! Thats all for now. I have to wake up at 5:15 and its past my bedtime...

<3 k