Thursday, November 12, 2009

parenting tip # 1

i know they say you should never let your children sleep in the bed with you. and now i am a firm believer in this for the following reasons.

1. they will learn that there are no boundries and will invade your space whenever they feel like it.

2. they we become jealous of who you sleep next to and will try to take over space on the bed.

3. they will become clingy and neurotic and follow you around whenever you go.

4. their innapropriate behavior will stem out into other facets of life, such as the bathroom.

i hope you all learn from our mistakes. it's too late now for us, but maybe you will catch it in time to save yourself from all the hardships we have endured because of our bad parenting.

xo -k

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

no words.

This. is. evil.

of course it is also the best thing in the world.

i am an addict.

yesterday i said adios.

i have been drinking tea to try and help
curb my cravings & caffeine withdrawl
but it's just not the same.

today a few words come to mind
to describe my mind set/ attitude:

pissed off
cloudy headed

ok, you get the idea.
i just keep reminding myself
that this is for my health and
soon I will be healthier & happier.

but today i am just pissed
and REALLY want a soda.


he owes me.

i think this is an appropriate gift. dont you?

or there is always this.

all of the above are perfectly acceptable for pay back
of what i am about to endure these next couple weeks.

im delirious.
need sleep.
<3 k

Incase you were wondering,

why I will be sleeping alone for the next month or so. This is the reason...

If this goes anything like Call of Duty - Modern warfare 1- then the following will happen:

1. every chance he gets this game will be on
2. when i say, "ok im going to bed now" the response will be "ill be in in a minute"
3. 2-3 hours later (around 2:30ish) I will wake up and notice that the bed is still empty next to me
4. Clumsily I will walk out into the living room to see him sitting about two feet from the tv with food/drinks/blanket
5. (last year, I would come out to see my brother also sitting cross legged on the floor, those days are gone now)
6. I will say, "hey its really late, you coming soon?"
7. he will say, "ya, im just gonna finish this game"
8. i will wake up in the morning to the bed still empty
9. upon walking into the living room I see him curled up on the couch with the tv still on.
10. new day, repeat.

as I type this, the cycle has already begun.
sweet jesus. help me.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's been a while.

I just realized my blogging has been slacking recently. Part of this is due to the fact that I have been BUSY with life, work & school and part of it is because I guess I just haven't felt like anything was going on that was worth blogging about! Then I remembered that I never blogged about halloween! Every year Corinne and I go together to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins! This year we went to the one near Main Place Mall since it was the closest one to our house. I ended up getting a bunch of small ones and a cool green gord/squash type thing!

Then Zak decided that we needed to get a big one to carve and put out on the porch so kids would know to come to our house to trick or treat, so I carved this...

I know, i'm a dork. ok - i feel like eating dessert which means I need to stop blogging now. I am getting so excited for the holidays so hopefully I will have more to blog about in the coming weeks.
Sorry for the lame-ness.
<3 - K