I must first say that this post is for my mother. My whole childhood I grew up with my mom constantly having a book in her hand at all times. I am the nerdy reader I am now because of her. That being said, recent technology has cause an internal battle in my heart that is making some life decisions harder for me. This is the nook - it's supposed to be 100 times better than the kindle and can hold up to almost 18,000 e-books. A READERS DREAM! I already have two bookcases packed full of books and am quite scared to imagine what they will look like a few years down the road. At first glance the nook is the perfect solution. A small, cute, useful reading device that would solve all of my space saving problems. The problem- is my gigantic love of books. I love the smell, the texture, the way they look after you have been holding them and folding their pages during bed time reading sessions. I LOVE going to barnes and noble to look for new books and cool new covers. Will I regret my decision if I turn my back on that smell, and those dog eared pages? Will I be a traitor to a way of life that will probably eventually fade out into oblivion just like record stores and juke boxes? Or will I be happy to carry thousands of my favorite books in the palm of my hand which I can pull out and read at a moments notice? These might seem like silly questions to some people, but I really have been thinking a lot about this recently and I still haven't figured out quite how I feel. That being said, my mom needs to put this on her christmas list - stat. She, of all people, would love this. And so would her wall to wall bookcase that is exploding with paperbacks. What to do you guys think? Should I Nook, or stick to good old fashion books?
1 comment:
kristen! i'm so glad you understand this internal dilemma! people all over new york have a kindle or nook and yet i lug my huge barbara walters biography around like a brick! but i'm with you, gorgeous hard backs, the yummy new paper backs, the covers, the pages in between your fingers...it's so difficult to think about giving up! but then the possibilities of having so many great reads at your fingertips...it's a huge toss up! sorry i'm probably not a big help but i'm sympathizing from afar.
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