Since I started training for this half marathon it has been a roller-coaster of sweating, and aching, and trying to figure out how far I can push my body before it gets really pissed off! Since my long runs have always been on sundays, the last month or so has been one crazy sunday after another!
Two weeks ago I ran and then Zak and I went to cheesecake factory for date night, only to have it ruined by me barfing in their bathroom and needing to go home asap. Diagnosis: dehydration. Then last weekend I could barely finish my run because my stomach was hurting so bad and after I got home I was in the bathroom pretty much all night!
Poor Zak, our date night just keeps getting cancelled due to my body's lack of acceptance that I am now a runner and this is the new norm! So then comes today, I was prepared before my run, had been drinking plenty of water, had my little running gummies with me to keep up my calories, took am immodium before to make sure my stomach didnt bother me, had my protein shake when I got home..... long story short, the run went great!
I came home jumping and dancing around at how awesome it had gone and how finally my body accepted its new, healthier, fate! Fast forward two hours... Zak and I head off to costco to grab a few things and then were going to eat lunch right after. Well, we didn't quite make it that far..
If any of you have been to costco on a sunday you know how it is very reminiscent of a zoo. People push you out of the way for a cart, and give dirty looks if you take the food sample they are reaching for - and the worst part, the check out lines!!
As we are standing in the checkout line with about ten people ahead of us, I start to feel hot and dizzy. This is the following conversation Zak and I have -
Me: I'm going to pass out
Z: No babe, its just the lights in here
Me: No, seriously...
Z: calm down, you'll be ok..
Bam- out.
To Zak's credit, I always feel kind of dizzy and apparently tell him I'm going to pass out all the time, so to him this is nothing new, but the poor guy didn't know that he should actually probably brace himself to catch me and before he knew it, down I went!
When I came-to all the women in line were buzzing around and one of the managers had gone to get me something to sit down on. Everyone was really sweet and let us get a fast-pass to the front of the line so we could check out.
Moral of the story: Pass out in Costco if you really need to get to the front of the line quick! haha
But seriously, I have learned my lesson that you can't burn 1,200 calories in one sitting and think that a scoop of protein powder will tide you over. This whole training experience has been an eye opening time for me, and I feel like I just keep learning the hard way how not to do things! I am hoping this is the last of these experiences for me to deal with, but I guess you never know!
Now I am off to eat a big, delicious dinner. Just what the doctor ordered.
xo, K
5 days ago
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