Do not be fooled by how angelic she looks in this picture...for some reason she feels the need to chew anything and everything that she comes into contact with. Unfortunatly for me (and for my cords) I have spent wayyyy too much money replacing my computer cord, camera cord, usb cord, headphone cord, tv cord... well you get the idea.

Here she is in action.
The latest victim of Butter Abuse was my camera cord that charged my camera. Due to this event I have not been able to use my camera since like June. As you who know me well know, I ALWAYS have my camera and am ALWAYS taking pictures. So you can imagine how tramatized I have been! As usual, Zak has come to the rescue, tracked down a new charger on-line, and had it sent straight to our front door!
All of this to say- My camera is now back to it's original working order and I am happier than a three year old at disneyland!
Now I can get back to my regularly scheduled photo shoots of "cats in places they shouldn't be" (See above Images for examples!)
xo K
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