Tuesday, November 25, 2008

this is butters

in my closet and even more fun, in the dryer. this is her new thing. ugh.

this is long over due

halloween was practically a month ago and i have not blogged about it. come to think about it i haven't blogged about anything recently. we went to three different parties that night. one being his sisters 21st! yay gina! i was a deal or no deal girl- but half way through decided to be a doctor. im done typing now. enjoy pictures instead. xo

dance parties rock

so- add this to the list of why corinne and I are totally awesome. Saturday night we decided since Zak was hanging out with friends that we would have a makeover/dance party. we have come to this conclusion. Greygoose + redlipstick + mamamia sounds track = amazing.... hahahahah

ps: when zak got home we made him help us make a music video but i cant figure out how to get that treasure on here quite yet. Maybe some day you guys will see that goodness...

xo K

we were riding my bike in the atrium. haha.