my mom's new baby. she is so stinking cute..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
cause I love this kid <3

"Mon Amour
He just lays there.
I’m rushing around in my bra,
water from my long tangled hair dripping
in small streams down my back.
With all my hustle and bustle he is still
peaceful, and quiet.
I stop half way through
putting on my shirt and just smile.
His back is turned to me;
my favorite blue checkered blanket
covering all of him but one jutted shoulder,
and the soft skin of the back of his neck.
My eyes lead me up
that sweet smelling neck
to the corners of his ashy blonde hairline,
I just cut short last week.
Messy and disheveled, it encompasses
his brain, that when awake is witty and inventive
but now in this moment, with small rays
of light illuminating one side of his unshaven cheek,
he’s just lying there,
lungs filling with air rhythmically
and exiting in the same soft cadence.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
just call me gretchen....
so i am officially hooked on braids. tonight was zak's moms annual fondue night so i thought I would try out another hairstyle involving my beloved braids, yay! it was a hit, even though zak thinks im funny for wearing braids since im not six anymore.. haha
and here i am licking the amazing fondue chocolate off the spoon! mmmmm, i LOVE fondue! <3
Friday, March 7, 2008
immitation is the best form of flattery....
so you know those movie stars who have been wearing all sorts of braided do's to award shows? i decided today that i would try it out and see how i went. haha here is my attempt. i just wish i could see the back of my head and that my arms didnt get so tired from braiding my own hair. oh, and butters wanted in on the photoshoot action so thats her being nosey <3
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
update 2008
So, its been forever since I have blogged because im lame and cant remember anything... so I thought I would do an update for anyone who cares...
AHh its 2008, wow.. thats crazy. Already this has been an eventful year! I am hopefully in my last semester at ivc (finally) and I have just sent off my applications to Chapman so I am keeping my fingers crossed for that!

My dad's wedding is coming up in like a month, which i am getting VERY excited for! I just went to my future sister's wedding like a month ago which was super fun and got me geared up in the wedding mood!
here is my new addition for 2008. i love love love it!! hummingbirds are rad!
“Addictions” -- Kristen Lim
Through the slider I see you
resting your weight on an old wooden railing.
Inhaling deep into your chest,
you smile through the corners of your eyes
and blow smoke rings in my direction,
sending a rush of chills through my skin.
Flash backs of moments under blankets
I can feel your warm breath on my neck
the sweet smell of alcohol lingers.
My mouth longs for one last brush against
those soft lips I see through the glass,
squeezing nicotine out of a cigarette.
You’re the one I can’t have.
We both know it.
There is so much going on in 2008! one thing I am very excited about....... Vote!!!!

Well, I am off for now. its tuesday, which means american idol is on tonight. which means, i am a huge dork for watching it. and i have to say, this year there are some pretty crappy people even though the judges are SO convinced that this is like the best year. oh well. i am rooting for david archuleta <3
ohhhh ohhhh! ps: Zak and I have been bowling recently and both of us are getting pretty good! im pretty sure im going to try and find some bowling shoes on ebay so i can be a serious bowler! if anyone else likes to go you should come with us!!
xoxo K
blogspot, how you anger me...
so today i give up, and start a new one... this one i wont forget! (i probably will anyway haha)
but, the bottom line is... this will be my new, and hopefully improved blog.
happy tuesday people <3